This is a very inspiring video that I found out there on the web. It's entitled 'Choices'. It's in the form of slides accompanied by awesome background scenes and music. I have written down each slide and my comment on it. If you have a fast connection to play video and think that my comments are not worth reading, then jump to the end of the post and watch the video directly. The original words from the video are those in bold. The small words are my thoughts and comments.
Everyday wisdom
by Patrick M. Powers
We are born with virtually unlimited potential. We all have 86,400 seconds a day
_______________________________________Where you end up in life is not determined by where you start
It's what you choose to do with the seconds you have -It's what you choose to do with your potential that shapes your destiny
....Your destiny is actually predetermined. your actions will only lead you to what has been decreed for you. The key point here is that we have no idea about what has been planned for us. This is what I believe. and this issue has soo many arguing about it through human history.
You can choose to be selfish or you can choose to make a difference
I have learned that there are two things that will create your dreams
...So teach us .. O wise one :)
- Your choices
Your choices will make or break you
Here are some of the choices that I have found will lead to an amazing life:
...This is where the video really begins
Be kind to everyone - even the ones that don't deserve it
...It's also a good thing to believe that: there is no one who doesn't deserve to be kind to
Smile at challenges There is a divine gift hidden in them
...This needs practice
Embrace change. Resisting it will only lead to frustration.
...Sure. everything is in continuous evolution. You have to adapt.
Always Take responsibility. When you blame, you give your power away.
..and you prevent yourself from discovering the real cause of failure.
Believe in your dreams . If you don't nobody else will.
..This is the wisest thing I ever heard
Strive everyday to become just a little bit better. Soon you will be a master at what you do.
..I should try that
Don't let anybody steal your dreams They are your greatest assets
..don't exactly understand how someone can steal my dreams
Be part of the solution , not the problem. The bigger the problems you are willing to solve The bigger the rewards you will get
..This is so true
Open your heart to strangers. They are just friends you haven't met yet
many people will disagree about that. But imagine if we all apply this concept, how our society will change
Do what you fear and you WILL overcome it
hmmm.. will think about it
Choose to make a difference Most people just choose to stay alive
...Those who don't try to change to a better world are actually not alive
Don't let yourself be influenced by negativity
... it's easy to say that in words
Constantly seek advice from people that have more experience, knowledge and success than you do It will speed up your journey to success tremendously
... and also remember to remain grateful to them
Don't focus on the past. It doesn't equal your future.
I hope so..
Always Always Always Keep your word
Choose to believe YOU have the power to create and change anything You really do.
Complain less and take more action.
Don't choose mediocrity. Choose excellence. Nobody is born mediocre. It's a choice.
Forgive and let go It will liberate enormous amounts of energy and creativity
Stand up for yourself and your beliefs
Hug someone everyday
Need a hug? anyone? :D .It's not easy to find someone to be hugged, at least not everyday. People will eventually run away from you . Maybe if u pay them lool. I'll try to apply that.
Let's create a better world Together we can do it If you choose to.
Thanks , not interested , lol kidding, let's create a better world.
It's your choice
God bless and may you choose wisely in your life.
Thanks , you too
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and here is the video: